
Showing posts from July, 2020

Tiny thought #2

If what I felt for you, wasn't love  then love, doesn't exist


Dreaming Erudite, Sadistically Pleasing, Observed In Nethering Absence Now, only capitals


Why, the only thing that calms me down  is, hurting myself?

Happiness is my fault

Everything that has happened  Everything that's happening  Everything that will happen  is my own It's my fault. My victory. My mistake. My happiness. My misery. My desire. My need. My want.  Yes. The brain leads with its automations. Society teaches with its demands. Tradition requires with its caveats. Addiction punishes with its rules. No. That doesn't make me weak. It doesn't rob me of power. It doesn't absolve me of pained guilt nor does it deprive me of earned happiness. It just means.. I am responsible. All the blissful happiness you gave me. All the anguished tears you've caused me. All the frozen rain I protected you from. All the burden I laid on your shoulders. Me. My. Mine. Egotistical perhaps. But it's the only way. I'm the only one I've got. And if I don't care for me first I'll always need you. Whoever you may be. If I don't take responsibility for everything, I give my self away. Am I talking to me? Then everything that ha